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My Comet Hunting & Photography Statistics

Hyakutake 2


A few statistics from my on going comet hunting...

Total Time spent comet hunting = 9 years 4 months

Number of comet hunting sessions = 900

Total search time to date = 1073 hours 24 min's.

2007 annual comet hunting total = 65 hours 45 min's

2006 annual comet hunting total = 84 hours 38 min's

2004 annual comet hunting total = 213 hours 39 min's

2002 annual comet hunting hours = 134 hours 40 min's

2001 annual comet hunting total = 178 hours 50 min's

2000 annual comet hunting total = 54 hours 15 min's

Best annual comet hunting time = 213 hours 39 min's

Best monthly comet hunting time = 29 hours 5mins

Worst monthly comet hunting time = 20 min's

Best nightly comet hunting time = 6 hours 45 min's

Worst nightly comet hunting time = 5 min's

Number of Messier objects found = 103

Number of NGC objects found = 282

Open clusters found = 37

Globular clusters found = 35

Planetary nebulae found = 13

Reflection / Emission nebulae found = 13

Supernova remnants found = 2

Galaxies found = 1265

Comets observed = 94 List

Independent discoveries of comets while searching = 8

Independent SOHO LASCO C2 & C3 discoveries = 22

Number of telescopic satellites recorded = 4128

Number of telescopic meteors recorded = 353

Other Observing Statistics

Number of recorded observing sessions = 4468

Observed Aurora Borealis displays = 184

Solar Observing sessions = 655

Naked eye sunspots observed = 56

Gegenschein sightings = 63

Zodiacal light pyramid sightings = 8

Zodiacal band sightings = 41

Noctilucent cloud displays = Many, need to check logs

Highest meteor count on a single night = 477 (Perseids 2015)

Novae Observed = 6

Supernovae Observed = 1


Martin McKenna

List Of Comets Observed

Chasing Tails - The 1000 Hour Journey

Observing Guide To Comets

Visual Comet Hunting

Comet Hunting - A Closer Look - Avoiding The Surveys

Comet Sketches

Observing Adventures With Great Comet Mc Naught

Comet Links
